There are three key strategies needed to get control of email;
- WHEN – you must get control of when you give your attention to this aspect of your work
- WHAT – you need a consistent and effective method or system for processing email
- WHERE – you want to be able to file and retrieve email easily and quickly
This workshop looks at a whole new approach to managing your email that shifts your working focus from being inbox-based, interruption-driven and reactive to one that is calendar-based, plan-driven and proactive. You’ll learn how to manage email in a structured, rather than unstructured, way; how to address email with full rather than partial attention; how to single-task rather than multi-task; how to be proactive rather than reactive to email.
Here’s an overview of the content covered in each workshop:
- Introduction: Overview of the causes, impact and solution for email overload
- Strategy # 1: WHEN
- Have a structured approach (proactive vs reactive)
- The way you start your day matters – set up your calendar as your default view
- Overcoming the first hurdle of the day – schedule time for email
- Review of various models of frequency for checking your inbox
- Turn off all email alerts to minimise interruptions
- Work offline options so you can stay focused even when working in the inbox
- Manage and clarify expectations about email responsiveness when working with others
What you learn will help to reduce email interruptions, distractions and multi-tasking, massively improve your focus and productivity and save you at least 19 minutes per day (ie: more than 9 days per year).
Continuing with the WHEN, WHAT and WHERE principles of Workshop 1, this workshop unpacks a game changing new way to process your inbox that allows you to check each email only once. You’ll set up a new way of viewing your inbox that allows you to capture the results of your thinking and decision-making in a way that stores WHAT you need, WHERE you need it until WHEN you need it.
Here’s an overview of the content covered:
- Strategy #2: WHAT
- Only look at email once – The Zeigarnik Effect
- Don’t check email: process it
- How do you currently manage your email?
- The timeless solution for managing workload – 3 steps to manage your workload
- The 4D Method (in 2 stages)
- Stage 1: 4D Triage
- Set up and practice the Triage View of your inbox
- Get your inbox to empty
What you learn will allow you to easily manage your workload without having to re-prioritise and re-read email time and time again or rely on your memory to keep track of everything. This will clear up 15-20% of your headspace and free up 32 minutes a day (ie: more than 15 days per year) for higher level thinking, tasks, activities and projects.
This workshop shows the master skill that allows you to shift from an inbox-based, interruption-driven and reactive working style to one that is calendar-based, plan-driven and proactive. You’ll learn how to convert email tasks into the calendar and integrate them with the rest of your workload and rely on the calendar as your master tool for managing your workload, timeframes and commitments (not your memory).
Here’s an overview of the content covered:
- Strategy #2: WHAT
- The 4D Method (continued)
- Stage 2: 4D Planning
- How to convert email tasks into the calendar
- Ways to use advanced features for managing your workload in the Calendar
- How you can complete tasks in the calendar, including sending reply emails
- Recognise the D-Box concept and how it allows you to safely delete far more email than you’d think
- Best frequency for Triaging versus Planning
- The 4D Method (continued)
You’ll discover why you’re 81% more likely to complete your tasks when they are in the calendar and how to leverage the various powerful calendar functions to better and more easily manage your workload. This change will leave you feeling much more organised and in control and experiencing less stress and frustration.
This is the 4th in a series of 5 online workshops that make up the Revolutionise Your Inbox online program.
- 7 ways to speed up email replies and processing
- The productivity bottleneck is your typing speed
- Recognise the connection between the 4D decisions and the four actions you need to take
- How to harness the untapped potential of your Drafts folder
- Ways to set up macros and action steps for quick actions with minimum time and effort
- How to insert frequently typed words and blocks of text with just a few keystrokes (or even less)
- A brilliant method for adding bulk or repetitive text without breaking your typing flow
You’ll learn how to harness the hidden power of Outlook to systematise and automate many of the repetitive and time-consuming typing and actions you perform every day. You’ll set up numerous rules, templates, drafts, Quick Steps, Quick Parts and auto-correct options that will make you feel like you’ve got your own ‘personal assistant’ doing some of the work for you!
This workshop covers the WHERE strategy and shows how to set up an email folder structure that allows you to quickly file and retrieve email. These days most email users have either developed a complex structure of email folders and sub folders (and sub, sub folders) that has been increasingly laborious to manage or they’ve given up on that and now leave everything in the inbox.
In this workshop, you’ll learn how to combine the best of both worlds so that you’re able to automate your filing and harness the power of Outlook’s Advanced Find to retrieve email again quickly when you need it. It’s like ‘google’ for your email.
Here’s an overview of the content covered:
- Strategy #3: WHERE
- A quick way to reduce mailbox size
- The principle of separating complete from incomplete
- 4 ways to simplify your email folder structure
- The benefits of using a single email folder for everything
- How to use Outlook colours and categories instead of folders
- Ways to harness the hidden power of Outlook’s Advanced Find (ie: Search)
What you learn at this workshop will radically simplify and speed up the way you file and find email, saving you 23 minutes per day (that’s 11 days per year), and reducing the frustration and angst you’ve so often experienced in the past when trying to find an old email.
This final workshop is critically important for ensuring you maximise your results from this program.
In this Q&A style interactive workshop we will;
- Review your progress
- Fine-tune your new email and workload management practices
- Troubleshoot any obstacles you may have had in implementing your new learnings
- Collect your feedback and observations
- Preview options for future next steps
The unlimited coaching includes as much 1 on 1 coaching as required for a 30 day period. After (and during) this time, you also welcome to join the Dr Email monthly Q&A forum.
Requirements: Outlook*, second screen (phone, smartpad, monitor), internet connection (headphones and microphone if possible).
*While the principles covered in this program apply regardless of the software being used, this program shows examples and ‘how to’ steps that apply only for various Outlook versions used on a PC not Mac).
Payment options: Pay as you go for each webinar in the series, Pay for whole program in full
Enquire about bringing this program in-house for your organisation
Individual workshops are available upon request – contact us for details.